Pilsen Wellness Center’s Medication Assisted Treatment (M.A.T.) Programs offer culturally sensitive rehabilitation services to persons dependent on opiates. Each program unit employs specific treatment approaches dependent on the population served. All medication assisted programs are staffed by certified counselors. Medication is dispensed by LPNs and supervised by RNs under DEA and SAMHSA guidelines.
Services include individualized assessment and treatment planning; acute psychiatric intervention in crises; medication training; medication monitoring and evaluation by a Board Certified Physician; individual and group counseling; support groups; case management and referrals; support in obtaining public entitlement benefits; as well as advocacy and aftercare for persons successfully detoxed from medication assisted treatment.
Pilsen Wellness Center’ medication assisted treatment programs address the needs of individuals within the general population who are experiencing heroin use disorders. The M.A.T.-Private Program offers medication assisted treatment for participants who pay with private funds. The M.A.T.-SUPR Program provides services to individuals requiring IDHS/SUPR subsidized treatment. The medication assisted treatment program in Stone Park, Illinois offers similar treatment services to both subsidized-payment clients and private pay program participants.